
Starptautiska studiju vide DU: Erasmus+ ārvalstu studentu pieredze


Jau vairāk kā 35 gadus Eiropā un nu jau arī ārpus tās, ES Erasmus+ programma ir pierādījusi savu nozīmību izglītības vidē. Pateicoties Erasmus+ programmai arī Daugavpils Universitātē (DU) tiek veicināta starptautiska sadarbība, akadēmiskā mobilitāte un kultūru apmaiņa. Tiek bagātināta studentu pieredze gan studējot, gan strādājot praksi ārvalstīs.

2024. gada pavasara semestris DU ir iezīmējies daudzveidīgi, apmaiņas studijās un praksē ir ieradušies 47 studenti no 12 ES un citām pasaules valstīm:

AlbānijaFan S. Noli University of Korce;

Beļģija – Mons University;

Filipīnas – Mindanao University;

Gruzija – Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University,  European University in Tbilisi;

Indonēzija State University of Yogyakarta; University of Al Azhar;

Itālija – Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Milan; University of Insubria; University of Milan; University of Pisa;

Kaboverde – University of Mindelo;

Lesoto – National University of Lesotho;

Slovākija – Trnava University; University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava;

Tadžikistāna – Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technical University of Tajikistan by Academic M.C. Osimi; Russian-Tajik Slavonic University, Tajik National University;

Turcija – Akdeniz University; Anadolu University; Bingol University; Dokuz Eylul University; Erzurum Technical University; Gaziantep University; Hasan Kalyoncu University; Istanbul Arel University; Munzur University; Sinop University; Yıldız Technical University;

Vācija – Greifswald University.

Ārvalstu studenti studē dažādās studiju programmās un studiju līmeņos. Pavasara semestrī prioritāte tika dota tādām studiju programmām kā “Biznesa un finanšu procesi”, “Izglītības zinātnes”, “Vadībzinātne”, “Bioloģija”, “Informācijas tehnoloģijas”, “Vides plānošana”, “Valodu un kultūras studijas”, “Filoloģija un lietišķā lingvistika”, “Psiholoģija”, “Viedā ekonomika un inovācijas” un “Mūzika”. Semestra garumā Erasmus+ ārvalstu studējošie apgūst arī latviešu valodas studiju kursu.

15. februārī Welcome week ietvaros Erasmus+ ārvalstu studējošie tika svinīgi sveikti uzsākot studijas DU. Svinīgo pasākumu atklāja DU rektors prof. Arvīds Barševskis.  Turpinājumā Starptautisko un sabiedrisko attiecību daļas Projektu vadītāja ārvalstu studentu piesaistes jautājumos Velta Trūle iepazīstināja studējošos ar Daugavpils Universitāti un studijām DU. Par pasākuma muzikālo priekšnesumu parūpējās Mūzikas katedras docents Gļebs Beļajevs. Pasākuma laikā ārvalstu studējošie iepazīstināja visus klātesošos ar sevi, savu universitāti un valsti.  

Welcome week ietvaros studējošie gida Artūra Fišera pavadībā iepazina Daugavpils pilsētas vēsturisko centru, Cietoksni un apmeklēja “Inženieru arsenālu”. Semestra garumā Erasmus+ studējošie dosies ekskursijā pa Latgales novadu un Rīgu.

Erasmus+ programmas nodaļa izsaka lielu pateicību visiem DU pasniedzējiem, kuri semestra garumā strādā ar ārvalstu studējošiem.

Paldies Studentu padomes vadītājai Paulai Vikainei un visai SP komandai par atbalstu, ko sniedzat integrējot ārvalstu studējošos DU,  par pasākumiem, kuros iesaistāt Erasmus+ studentus.

Lūk, ko ārvalstu studējošie saka par dzīvi Daugavpilī un studijām DU:

 Academically, participating in the Erasmus+ study mobility program allowed me to explore specialized courses not available at my home university, enriching my knowledge in my field of study. I am captivated by the rich history, vibrant community, and warm hospitality of the host country Latvia. I am immensely grateful for the support of Daugavpils University as well as the Erasmus+ program, for enabling me to embark on this enriching journey.” – Kristi Gjoni, Fan S.Noli University of Korce, Albania

“Despite being so peculiar and different compared to mainstream Erasmus destinations, since the first day, I felt Daugavpils as a familiar place. The city is small and quiet, cold at first, but warm and sunny as we go towards the good season. I feel very positive thinking about the future months, knowing that other many experiences await us. I have felt very comfortable, especially for the warm welcome that I received and the flexibility and availability of the professors.”Giuseppe Antonio De Brasi, Insubria University, Italy

“So far my stay in Daugavpils is phenomenal. The people are loving and friendly on the streets and shopping centers. We also receive a lot of support from the Erasmus+ Department, Student Council and lecturers. More so, one of the significant experiences of living away from home is that I got to have a new family. These include program coordinators, lecturers, Latvian students and Erasmus+ students. This is because of the support we received upon our arrival. This is one of the key things that ensured that I did not experience homesickness. In conclusion, the experience is worth it. It is improving my knowledge and skills and broadening my outlook. Resultantly, I intend to apply for Doctoral Studies at Daugavpils University upon the completion of my Masters at the National University of Lesotho.”Retselisitsoe Lebona, National University of Lesotho, Lesotho

“Pursuing this program has a lot of reasons. First, to make my dream come true. Secondly, to represent and share our vibrant culture internationally, since I belong to an Indigenous People (IP) community in our country which I’m proud of. When we arrived in Daugavpils, I was so grateful, since I felt the warm welcome of the host university, especially to the program coordinators. I can say that the first month of the program was productive and filled with purposeful experiences. The educational tours in which I saw, how beautiful the history of Daugavpils is, especially the fortress that is full of history and picturesque scenery. Thereupon, as advice to the future participants of this program, they just need to pursue their dreams and dream without limits. Do not question your worth, rather develop something that will let yourself be ready for the dancefloor. As the saying goes, “Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor.” Marvin Demostines Batican, Mindanao University, Philippines

“The whole process of getting there was incredibly smooth, thanks to the coordinators of Daugavpils University and also my hometown university. The opportunity to study abroad not only broadened my knowledge but also allowed me to get to know new cultures and religions, and make friendships. Daugavpils University offers a diverse range of opportunities for students to excel in their chosen fields. The professors are incredibly friendly and helpful. And lastly, don’t hesitate to go, even if you are scared of being alone. In Erasmus+, there’s no such thing as being alone.”Katarina Vencelova, Trnava University, Slovakia

“I got a chance to study in a whole new place, far from home. It’s like a dream come true because I love discovering new places and meeting new people and cultures. First of all, people in Daugavpils are very polite to foreigners. I’ve met many people from all over the world here. At Daugavpils University the lecturers are very friendly and well-qualified in their studying field. I’m very happy to be here and to have this experience at Daugavpils University.” – Aleyna Nur Demirbas, Akdeniz University, Turkey


Papildu informācija:

ES Erasmus+ programmas nodaļa

Vienības iela 13-201

E-pasts: erasmus@du.lv

Tālr. 65421606