

Within the framework of Better Life project “Bringing Excellence to Transformative Socially Engaged Research in Life Sciences through Integrated Digital Centers”, WP4 Capacity Building and Community of Practice, The Think Tank discussion, organized by the Daugavpils University Research and Business Center “REBUS” in collaboration with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) Daugavpils office and the Latgale Planning Region Business Center (LPR LUC), was held on June 26, 2024.

This event aimed to explore and enhance the synergistic potential between scientific research and business innovation, thereby contributing to regional economic growth. The event took place at Daugavpils University, emphasizing the strategic importance of academia-industry collaboration.


The session was attended by a diverse group of stakeholders, representing practically all main elements of quadruple helix stakeholder groups – academia and training administrators, officers/managers, also PR specialists, national governmnetal agencies at regional level (nature and environment protection), municipal environmental sector, NGO and bussiness-research development centre.

The following stakeholders participated in the Think Tank discussion: Latgales Planning Region, Daugavpils Municipal Administration, Daugavpils Municipality, Augšdaugava Municipality Central Administration, Krāslava District Partnership Association, Baltic Development Fund, Daugavpils University, VITCAKE, Latvian Textile Industry Association, SIA Himalayan International, Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Latvian IT Cluster, SMD Baltic SIA, BDR Partnership Neighbors, Rezekne Technology Academy, Environmental Solutions Company ECOSOUL, PROTAMS SIA, GaloGroup, Environmental Project Studio, Nexis Fibers SIA, InnovoMotion, Latvian Radio, Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA), Latgale Special Economic Zone LPR, SIA Neon Underground, Institute of Life science and technologies.


The discussion commenced with opening remarks from Arvīds Barševskis, Rector of Daugavpils University; Andrejs Zelčs from LIAA Daugavpils; and Andris Kucins of LPR LUC. Their speeches highlighted the significance of integrating academic research with business strategies to foster an environment conducive to innovation and economic development.

Presentations on Support and Best Practices

Andrejs Zelčs from LIAA Daugavpils presented on the support available to entrepreneurs and the development of innovations. He detailed various initiatives and resources provided by LIAA to facilitate the translation of scientific research into marketable innovations. This was followed by a presentation on best practices, showcasing successful examples of companies that have effectively collaborated with researchers to drive innovation. These presentations underscored the practical benefits of such collaborations and provided a blueprint for other businesses to follow.

Collaboration Opportunities and REBUS Center

Inese Gavarāne, acting director of the REBUS Center, along with researcher pitches, discussed the collaboration opportunities available through the Daugavpils University portfolio. The REBUS Center’s role in fostering a smart society and innovative region was emphasized, illustrating the center’s commitment to bridging the gap between academic research and practical business applications.

World Café Group Discussions

A significant portion of the event was dedicated to interactive discussions in a World Café format. Participants were divided into groups to address key questions, and the results were summarized as follows:

Aligning Business Needs with Scientific Offerings:

  1. Develop a network of facilitators (e.g., research managers, technology transfer specialists) to bridge the gap between academia and industry.
  2. Publish researchers’ portfolios, contact information, and business testimonials on the Daugavpils University website.
  3. Use LinkedIn as a networking tool and business card.
  4. Share success stories in accessible language and relevant fields.
  5. Conduct research that aligns with current trends and business needs.
  6. Organize joint events and discussions.
  7. Identify and leverage institutional strengths.
  8. Establish a defined organization or platform for matchmaking supply and demand, such as a matchmaking platform.

Requirements for Business and Regional Innovation Development:

  1. Attract investors.
  2. Ensure availability of qualified specialists.
  3. Foster collaboration partners.
  4. Improve information flow.
  5. Organize contact exchanges.
  6. Enhance marketing efforts.
  7. Provide political leadership.
  8. Improve infrastructure (e.g., internet access).
  9. Implement artificial intelligence (AI) solutions.
  10. Enhance digital skills, including data analysis and statistics.

Improving the University Research and Development Ecosystem:

  1. Enhance communication and coordination between the university and businesses.
  2. Develop negotiation skills.
  3. Advertise service availability.
  4. Improve information accessibility.
  5. Promote prestige and trustworthiness.
  6. Provide financial support for students.
  7. Increase internship opportunities.
  8. Balance workload effectively.
  9. Organize open days at businesses for researchers.
  10. Expand research areas and promote inter-university collaboration.
  11. Encourage researcher certification.
  12. Prioritize research over administrative tasks.
  13. Establish a clear and transparent motivation system.
  14. Form dedicated research and development teams.

Promoting Innovation in the Business Environment:

  1. Conduct resource audits and preliminary studies.
  2. Improve science communication.
  3. Organize networking events.
  4. Target specific industry audiences.
  5. Highlight reputations and scientific achievements.
  6. Present innovations at in-person events, information platforms, and exhibitions.
  7. Reduce bureaucracy.
  8. Share successful examples through media and influencers.
  9. Align with political priorities and develop long-term strategies.

Public Participation in Research

Artūrs Škute, Head of the Ecology Department addressed the role of public participation in the research process, highlighted the needs and challenges associated with involving the public in scientific research, emphasizing the importance of community engagement in fostering a culture of innovation and ensuring that research addresses societal needs.

Discussions with Researchers and Laboratory Tours

The event concluded with open discussions with researchers and tours of the university’s laboratories. This provided practical insight into the ongoing research and development activities at Daugavpils University, demonstrating the institution’s capabilities and readiness to collaborate with business entities.


The Think Tank discussion underscored the critical importance of fostering a robust dialogue between academia and industry. By highlighting best practices, support mechanisms, and collaboration opportunities, the event successfully laid the groundwork for enhanced cooperation aimed at driving regional economic growth through innovation. The active participation and diverse perspectives shared during the discussions, particularly the insights from the World Café sessions, are expected to contribute significantly to ongoing efforts to integrate scientific research with business innovation in the region.