
Better Life Think Tank Session at Daugavpils University (Minutes)


Project: Within the framework of Better Life project “Bringing Excellence to Transformative Socially Engaged Research in Life Sciences through Integrated Digital Centers”,WP4 Capacity Building and Community of Practice

Seminar session:Think Tank discussion

Place: Hybrid meeting, online and present Institute of Life Sciences and Technologies at Daugavpils University.

Date: 2024, April 30.

The session was attended by a diverse group of stakeholders, representing practically all main elements of quadruple helix stakeholder groups – academia and training administrators, officers/managers, also PR specialists, national governmnetal agencies at regional level (nature and environment protection), municipal environmental sector, NGO, and, bussiness-research development centre. bringing their unique expertise, idea and perspective to the discussion table.

The attendees included:

  1. Mihails Pupiņš,  the Head of Latgales Zoo, The Herpetologist of the Latgale ecological society;
  2. Valērijs Ašķeļaņecs,  the Augšdaugava Municipal Council Rural Support Service, Senior environmental Management Officer in Lake Management
  3. Guna Novika , the State Environmental Service in Latgale region, Head of Natural Resources Department;
  4. Oskars Zuģickis , Latgale Planning Region; The project manager in Development, Planning and Project Implementation Unit;
  5. Uldis Valainis, the Life Sciences and Technology Institute leading researcher (former director);
  6. Dainis Lazdāns, Deputy Director at The State Environmental Service of the Republic of Latvia, The Daugavpils Regional Environmental Board;
  7. Artūrs Škute , Professor at Daugavpils University (DU);
  8. Raimonds Ernšteins, Professor at University of Latvia (LU);
  9. Inese Gavarāne, Director of the research and business center “REBUS”; Daugavpils University;
  10. Edgards Kucins, Daugavpils University, the researcher of the Institute of Life Sciences and Technology
  11. Zaiga Vītola, Project Coordinator, Daugavpils University;
  12. Olga Mickeviča, Public Relations manager, Daugavpils University



The session began with a welcome to the participants and a brief introduction of each other.

2. The‘Better Life’ project presentation,

Aims and goals being achieved during the first half of the project, the future plans considering the work packages and DU Digital Centre.

3. The presentation the Digital Center concept and realization practice.

4. Clarifying the tasks and aims of future Bootcamps.

The tasks for the Think Tank sessions was clarified and the idea of mentorship programme was described. Existing mentorship programmes within DU were presented, including a mentorship programme for Ph.D students and new employees aimed at improving educational skills, and a mentorship programme for students.

5. Open discussion

The participants shared their  ideas and perspectives on what the programme should achieve and in what kind of fields of Knowledge, Skills and Competence they are interested in and the ECR should to be taught to build co-operation networks between the HEI and stakeholders.

After related individual evaluations of the situation in the field, comments and general discussion, there were also in some detail formulated comments, proposals and general ideas of participants, particularly on Bootcamps trainings for ECR and mentors, presented here as follows:

Mihails Pupiņš –  representing Latgales Zoo:

Knowledge on the SER in Life Sciences concept, structure, peculiarities and content, Life Sciences interdisciplinary academia collaborative partnerships with stakeholders in the community, including local organizations, government authorities, and community members. Competences to plan, valorise, provide, realize and continue SER in Life Sciences, combining a set of concepts, methods, and techniques through interdisciplinarity, enhancing academia-multi-stakeholder collaborations. Skills to provide guidance for decision-making on the base of the results and prospects of provided SER in Life Sciences, based on its characteristics, components, and the expected benefits of its use. 

Dainis Lazdāns – representingThe Daugavpils Regional Environmental Board

Knowledge: Natural sciences and research. Acquired fundamental knowledge in biology, chemistry, and related disciplines. Ability to conduct research, obtain and analyze results.

Skills and Competencies: Socially engaged research: Acquired skills and knowledge related to engaging with society, communicating with various stakeholder groups, and collaborating with non-governmental organizations.

Knowledge: Digital technologies: Acquired knowledge of digital technologies, statistical methods, programming, and data processing for effective and contemporary research and data analysis.

Skills and Competence: Project management and collaboration: Acquired skills and competencies in project management, collaboration with other researchers and partners, as well as the ability to work effectively in a creative team.

Skills: Publicity: Acquired skills related to presenting results both in writing and visually, such as creating scientific articles, presentations, or graphical materials.

Inese Gavarāne, Director of the research and business center “REBUS”:

To facilitate socially engaged research in Life Sciences it is important to have a mutual understanding and common language between all sides involved – community, stakeholders and researchers. Trust building exercises are crucial for recognition of each other expertise, for development of the skills and assets and for provision of the opportunities for co-learning. Seems nowadays, communication skills becoming one of the most essential skills for career development of the researcher. The style of communication, the tone, the methods and content used for communication should demonstrate respect. It is essential that researchers develop flexibility skills to speed translation of the research results to address the global challenges. Young researchers should better acknowledge their role in modern society. At the same time experienced researchers should support creation of the ecosystem for such research system development where researchers work with their target groups. All parties should respect one another’s time and to be patient during trust building and to appreciate the value of such collaboration for the economy development of the region. To sum-up it is important that young researchers develop their soft skills and gain necessary experience for communication, translation of research results and understanding of the social challenges which their research can address.

The main idea of the opinions is the importance of Socially Engaged Research (SER) in Life Sciences. It emphasizes the need for interdisciplinary collaborations, effective communication, and mutual understanding among researchers, community, and stakeholders.  It highlights the significance of trust-building exercises and respect for each other’s expertise and time. It underscores the role of young researchers in society and the need for them to develop soft skills, understand social challenges, and translate research results effectively. Experienced researchers are encouraged to support the creation of an ecosystem conducive to such research, ultimately contributing to regional economic development.

6. Continuation.

The next Think Tank session Nr.2. is planned to be held on the beginning of June, with close cooperation with the Research and Business Center “REBUS”.

The Think Tank session Nr.3. will be held on the end of June, where all the main active members of Regional Quadruple Helix stakeholders (8-10 persons) will be invited for final and detailed discussion of Programes draft presented, with the aim to produce the final version of Training Programme.

The Programme will start on July, as the formal PhD program session and most active month for the doctoral students of Daugavpils University.