
Katru semestrī Daugavpils Universitātē uzsāk studijas ne tikai vietējie studenti, bet arī Erasmus+ studenti no dažādām valstīm. Šajā semestrī ir pārstāvētas 5 valstis: Gruzija, Itālija, Portugāle, Slovākija un Turcija. Erasmus+ ārvalstu studējošie apgūst studiju kursus bakalaura studiju programmās “Informācijas tehnoloģijas”, “Valodu un kultūras studijas”, “Filoloģija (angļu filoloģija)”, “Psiholoģija”, “Ķīmija”, maģistra studiju programmās “Filoloģija un lietišķā lingvistika” un “Datorzinātnes”.

Erasmus+ studenti ne tikai apgūst jaunus studiju kursus savā jomā, bet arī izzina Latvijas un Latgales reģiona kultūras mantojumu un tradīcijas. Studenti izzināja Daugavpili, iepazina Rīgas Vecpilsētu un muzejus. Nemainīga tradīcija ir arī apceļot Latgales reģionu un viesošanās Maizes muzejā Aglonā.

Ārvalstu studentu studentu atsauksmes un iespaidi:

“The excursions that we did were really nice and allowed us to get to know Latvia. It is nice to see a country so green and surrounded by nature. I was fascinated by the Rundale Palace and Devil’s lake. We got closer to Latvian cuisine, typical dishes and customs. The lessons are very interesting, the teachers are well prepared. Lecturers allow me to speak in English, Russian and thanks to this experience I am learning Latvian!”Asia Nifantova, University of Insubria, Italy

From the moment I embarked on my Erasmus+ mobility program in Latvia, I was filled with anticipation and a sense of wonder. The prospect of immersing myself in a new culture, surrounded by like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds, was an opportunity I eagerly embraced. Before the journey, the sending and receiving higher education institutions played pivotal roles in facilitating the transition. Their guidance and support were invaluable, providing comprehensive information about the academic system, cultural nuances, and administrative procedures.” – Giorgi Berulava, European University in Tbilisi, Georgia

“About Latgale, it was among the most beautiful experiences in my life. We ate unique food of Latvia, we made breads, we saw lots of landscapes. Especially the Devil’s Lake was really interesting!”Irem Ekdi, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey

 “Living outside my home country has been a constant source of remarkable experiences. One of the most significant impressions is the warmth and hospitality of the Latvian people. Their friendliness and eagerness to share their culture and traditions have left a lasting impact.Exploring the Latgale region and Riga has been a journey of discovery. The natural beauty of Latgale and the rich history of Riga have been awe-inspiring and I’m longing to participate in further explorations in the months to come.” – Kakha Putkaradze, European University in Tbilisi, Georgia

Papildu informācija

ES Erasmus+ programmas nodaļa

Vienības iela 13-201

E-pasts: erasmus@du.lv

Tālr. 65421606