2024. gada 11. septembrī Daugavpils Universitātē pasākuma “Erasmus+ Welcome Days” ietvaros svinīgi tika sagaidīti un sveikti Erasmus+ programmas ārvalstu studējošie, kuri šogad no dažādām Eiropas un citām pasaules valstīm ieradušies studēt Latvijā.
“Erasmus+ Welcome Days” svinīgo pasākumu atklāja DU studiju prorektore prof. Inese Kokina, Dabaszinātņu un veselības aprūpes fakultātes dekāne Natālija Degtjarjova, DU Studentu padomes Ārējo sakaru vadītājs Jānis Dronka. Turpinājumā Starptautisko un sabiedrisko attiecību daļas Projektu vadītāja ārvalstu studentu piesaistes jautājumos Velta Trūle iepazīstināja studējošos ar Latviju, Daugavpili un deva ieskātu par Daugavpils Universitātes vēsturi un aktuālajiem studiju un pētniecības virzieniem. Pasākuma laikā ārvalstu studējošie iepazīstināja visus klātesošos ar sevi, savu universitāti un valsti.
Ārvalstu studējošie studē dažādās studiju programmās un studiju līmeņos. 2024. gada rudens semestrī prioritāte tika dota tādām bakalaura studiju programmām kā “Valodu un kultūras studijas”, “Psiholoģija”, “Bioloģija”, profesionālajai bakalaura studiju programmai “Biznesa un finanšu procesi”, maģistra studiju programmām “Izglītības zinātnes”, “Bioloģija” un Ķīmija” un doktora studiju programmām “Bioloģija” un “Vadībzinātne”. Semestra garumā Erasmus+ ārvalstu studējošie apgūst arī latviešu valodas studiju kursu.
Septembra garumā norisinās Erasmus+ ārvalstu studentu integrācijas pasākumi, kas paredzēti, lai palīdzētu starptautiskajiem studentiem veiksmīgi integrēties universitātes akadēmiskajā un sabiedriskajā dzīvē, kā arī iepazīt Daugavpils pilsētu, tās apkaimi un Latvijas galvaspilsētu Rīgu.
Programma piedāvā plašu aktivitāšu klāstu, kas nodrošinās studentiem gan nepieciešamo akadēmisko un praktisko informāciju, gan iespēju iepazīties ar latviešu kultūru un universitātes piedāvātajām iespējām.
2024. gada rudens semestrī DU studēs 32 apmaiņas studenti no 9 ES un citām pasaules valstīm:
Dienvidāfrika - Stellenbosch University; Filipīnas - Mindanao University; Gruzija - European University in Tbilisi; Itālija - Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Milan; Higher School of Linguistic Mediators; Kenija - Maseno University; Polija - University of Warsaw; Turcija - Anadolu University; Ardahan University; Bingol University; Dicle University; Erzincan Binali Yildirim University; Gaziantep University; Inonu University; Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University; Suleyman Demirel University; Yıldız Technical University; Vācija - Greifswald University; Zviedrija - Stockholm University;
Erasmus+ programmas nodaļa izsaka lielu pateicību visiem DU pasniedzējiem, kuri semestra garumā strādā ar ārvalstu studējošiem, kā arī Studentu padomes komandai par atbalstu, ko sniedzat integrējot ārvalstu studējošos DU, par pasākumiem, kuros iesaistāt Erasmus+ studentus.
Lizi Kvaratskhelia, Europas Universitāte, Tbilisi, Gruzija:
Discovering new cultures and places is one of the most interesting and valuable parts of the Erasmus programme. Within the framework of the Erasmus programme, Daugavpils University gave us the opportunity to get to know not only the city, but also to travel more widely to Latgale.
The excursion included such varied activities as visiting historical landmarks, participating in different kinds of workshops, enjoying national cuisine lunch and pleasant views, which provided us with the opportunity to create long-lasting memories with new friends and discover more about Latvian culture.
As a psychology student, I already had many memorable experiences at Daugavpils University. Studying here is the most important and delightful among them. I’m developing myself professionally, as well as I’m improving my English language competence. I look forward to accomplishing even more things at Daugavpils University.
Richelyn Caldera Dumdum, Mindanao Universitāte, Filipīnas:
Stepping into Daugavpils University, I was embraced by a wave of gratitude that I could not contain. The grand architecture of the campus is striking, but it’s the warmth of its people the staff, professors, and, most notably, the rector that truly made it special. On my first day, we had the honor of meeting Dr. Arvīds Barševskis, the esteemed rector of this university. His welcome was not just a gesture, but a genuine embrace that made me feel like I had found a second home. His kindness and hospitality left an indelible mark, and we all felt incredibly fortunate to be in his presence.
Ruth Solange Ayi, Gaziantepas universitāte, Turcija
Exploring the Latgale region rekindled the concept of hope in me, whether through the deer that shed their horns every year in the hope of a new and better beginning, or through the ceramist who, with just a small ball of clay, ends up with extraordinary creations. Throughout the tour I had the feeling of being at the traffic circle of time; with each visit I had the sensation of moving from the present world to the past, and at the same time of living the future of the past. Nature whispered calm and the gentle wind brought inner peace, in that forest where the Devil’s Lake slept. In terms of time and space, the bread museum was the most impressive, through the process of making bread to after tasting session; the history and atmosphere of the place take you to another level. There it’s impossible not to experience a culture shock. The trip was incredibly satisfying, beyond expectations. However, I would have liked to have felt a supernatural presence in this church, which imposed a natural silence. I hope the legend behind the Holy Spring is true. All in all, it was a journey of instruction, self-discovery, history and, above all, a lot of fun with friends from all over the world. Thanks for introducing us to a world unlike our own.
Papildu informācija
ES Erasmus+ programmas nodaļa
Vienības iela 13-201
E-pasts: erasmus@du.lv
Tālr. +371 65421606