Paidere J., Brakovska A. A continued study of amphipod life histories in the Daugava River under varying meteorological conditions
Zviahintseva K., Kazarinova H., Abramova G., Mashtaler O. Ecological features and anthropogenic transformation of wetlands as part of urban floras of Ukraine
Evarts-Bunders P., Evarte-Bundere G., Bojāre A., Medne M. Rosa cieselskii Błocki or Rosa × subcollina (Christ) Dalla Torre & Sarnth. – which species does occur in Latvia?
Birzaks J., Nitcis M. The importance of Natura 2000 sites and their management for the conservation of freshwater fish, lamprey and crayfish in Latvia
Oļehnoviča E., Pastare-Skutele A., Mežaka A. Review of bryophyte functional traits in ecological studies
Kaupuža R., Brila I., Pētersons G. The Distribution of the Northern bat Eptesicus nilssonii (Keyserling & Blasius, 1839) in Latvia assessed by passive acoustic survey
Borodina O., Borodin O. Syrphidae (Brachycera: Diptera) of Latvia: Current status of study in the regional aspect
Blinstein S.J., Telnov D., Degiovanni A., Gontarenko A.V. New data on distribution of two Palaearctic Leptaleus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849 (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) species with new records and a correction
Barševskis A., Vanaga A. Dicelosternus corallinus Gahan, 1900 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a new species for the fauna of Vietnam