

Ecofeminist Theology and Fundamentalisms within the Arabic Context

Jihan Zakarriya, Ph.D., associate professor
Faculty of Theology
University of Oslo, Norway
E-mail: Jihan_zakarriya@hotmail.com


The paper seeks to examine and redefine diverse forms of fundamentalisms within modern Arabic contexts employing an ecofeminist theology perspective. Ecofeminist theology analyses varied forms of domination, androcentrism and superiority over women and nature through deconstructing and challenging masculinist interpretations, understandings, and linguistic expressions of religions. Ecofeminist theologians relate religions and humanism as forces of unbiased, uncategorized liberation, equality, and freedom. Although the concept of fundamentalism is controversial for definers, modern and contemporary academia and media relate fundamentalism exclusively to Islam, particularly with the emergence of militant Islamist groups and global terrorist organizations. Fundamentalist movements are hierarchical, essentialist and sexist. Existing scholarship on Islamic fundamentalism lacks the feminist perspective and overlooks important forms of nonreligious fundamentalisms in Arab countries such as militarisms and semitribalisms that participate in the inferior position of women and nature. This paper examines the role of some Arab thinkers in relating women, politics, religion, and nature and specifically refers to Averroes, Fatima Mernissi, Zainab al Ghazali, and Nawal el Saadawi.

Keywords: ecofeminist theology, fundamentalisms, militarisms, Mernissi, el Saadawi, Averroes


How to cite:
Zakarriya, J. (2023). “Ecofeminist Theology and Fundamentalisms within the Arabic Context.” Journal of Comparative Studies 16 (45), 84-109. https://doi.org/10.59893/jcs.16(45).004