For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Natural Sciences and Healthcare
Programme Duration2 academic years
Programme Workload120 ECTS
Admission RequirementsBachelor of Natural Sciences in Computer Science, or
the 2nd level or an equivalent higher professional education in Information Technologies or Computer Science
Obtainable DegreeMaster of Natural Sciences in Computer Science
Place of the Programme ImplementationDaugavpils University, 1 Parādes Street
Form of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme DirectorDocent, Dr. phys. Svetlana Ignatjeva
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

The aim of the Master Study Programme “Computer Science” is to prepare students for independent research activity, to provide them with academic education of Computer Science and train highly qualified Computer Science professionals with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

TheProgramme tasks are defined under the set aim, and are based on the DU Development Strategy, as well as on the latest trends of the system of Computer Science education in the European Union:

  • ensure the environment and possibilities for students to acquire skills and abilities necessary for their research and professional activity;
  • train students to learn, evaluate and apply the new information technologies, theories and products independently and creatively;
  • improve students’ skills to demonstrate, explain and defend results of their work in oral, written form and by means of information technologies;
  • motivate and facilitate students’ further education, including the motivation to continue their studies in Doctoral programmes;
  • develop students’ skills to perform scientific analysis, their pedagogical and independent problem solving skills, and to facilitate their participation in dealing with scientific issues.

The successful Programme implementation implies training of specialists that are competitive on international level, possess modern knowledge and are able to plan and conduct research independently in one of the offered sub-branches of Computer Science.

As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the graduate will acquire and be able to demonstrate:


Able to demonstrate extended and specialized knowledge, and understanding of the main concepts and regularities in the selected sub-branch of Computer Science

  • modern trends of theoretical informatics and information technology development, scientific and business achievements;
  • fundamental conceptions and system methodologies; international and professional standards in the field of IT;
  • conditions and principal options of programming languages and systems, the situation in standardization of programming languages;
  • architecture and principles of functioning of global information infrastructure and network application programmes;

that provide the basis for creative thinking and research.
Able to demonstrate the specialized knowledge, understanding of the respective concepts and regularities characteristic to the inter-branch aspect of Computer Science, principles of organization and functioning of modern training and knowledge management technologies, systems of instrumental means and integrated environment for support of information system and software life-cycle (CASE-, CALS-technologies)


  • conceptual analysis and formation of ontological basis by doing scientific and  applied tasks in the field of IT;
  • the use of modern theories, methods, systems and tools of theoretical information science and IT for fulfilling of research and applied tasks;
  • the applying of fundamental conceptions, system methodologies, knowledge on international and professional IT standards, the integrated environment and instrumental means, network programmes and services

Students can independently

  • employ mathematical and information modelling methods for doing of scientific and applied tasks;
  • conduct scientific research and achieve new scientific results;
  • work with modern software and hardware, and information technologies while doing research;
  • adapt oneself professionally, learn new research methods and technologies;
  • put into practice the acquired fundamentals on organizing and planning research work and projects under normative documentation;
  • professionally draw up, submit and present results of scientific and industrial research in their profile of activity;
  • put forward and perform scientific and applied tasks of theoretical information science, applied mathematics and information technologies on modern scientific and technical level.