For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Programme Duration3 academic years
Programme Workload180 ECTS
Admission RequirementsMaster’s degree in Law Science, Forensic Science or
an equivalent 2nd level higher professional education in the corresponding scientific discipline;
discussion on the research paper submitted, which presents an expanded conception of the Doctoral research;
examination in a foreign language.
Obtainable DegreeDoctor of Law
Place of the Programme ImplementationDaugavpils University, 1 Parādes Street
Form of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme DirectorDr.iur., prof. Vitolds Zahars
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

Study arrangements 

International students study in English according to an individual plan. Latvian language courses are not foreseen in the framework of doctoral studies; however, DU Foreign Language Centre offers Latvian or other language courses.

The aims of the study programme:

  • to provide students with up-to-date understanding and knowledge of criminal law, police law, criminalistics and related sub-sectors of law;
  • to equip students to master modern legal research methods;
  • to provide students with opportunity to practice research and academic work in higher education environment;
  • to provide students with optimal conditions for scientific research – the opportunity to work in the library, use of modern information and communication technologies, regularly participate in scientific conferences in Latvian and abroad, internship in other universities and research centers;
  • to provide conditions for the doctoral thesis preparation and defense.


Master’s degree in Law Science, Forensic Science or an equivalent 2nd level higher professional education in the corresponding scientific discipline; discussion on the research paper submitted, which presents an expanded conception of the Doctoral research; examination in a foreign language.