For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Programme Workload180 ECTS
Programme Duration3 academic years
Forms of the Programme ImplementationFull-time studies
Admission Requirements– Master’s degree in humanities, social sciences, education, natural sciences or equivalent professional higher education in the relevant sector.
– Document confirming English language knowledge at B2 level.
Entrance ExaminationInterview – report on the research topic and discussions about it.
Obtainable DegreeDoctor of Science (Ph.D.) in History and Archeology
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

The aim of the doctoral study programme is

to ensure the consistency of the study of history, training of leading employees of scientific, higher education and cultural institutions, who have the competence to raise and solve the most important issues of modern history, developing and strengthening Latvia’s scientific potential, which in a broader sense means participation in the formation of the intellectual elite, as well as the ability to influence the direction and priorities of the development of the national study of history.

As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the graduate will acquire and be able to demonstrate:


  • Know current research methods used in the study of history and archaeology;
  • Know and apply the latest achievements in Latvian and world historiography;
  • Know the theoretical problems of history and their solutions;
  • Understand the interdisciplinary relationship between history and other social and humanitarian disciplines;
  • Have deep specialized knowledge in the chosen field of research, the corresponding history sub-branch and extensive knowledge in history.


  • Independently formulate and critically analyse research problems at various levels of education, including higher education and Doctoral studies;
  • Make science-based decisions in solving the problems of history and related social and humanitarian disciplines and defend their opinion with arguments;
  • Propose and implement research-based changes in their institution, branch of history and, if possible, in society as a whole;
  • Apply the latest research methods, choosing the most suitable ones for their own scientific activity;
  • Integrate the results of scientific research into study courses at the university and supervision of scientific works of students and Doctoral students.


  • Independently and responsibly plan, structure and manage scientific projects, including international ones;
  • Publish the results of their research in internationally recognized editions, including internationally cited ones in Latvia and abroad;
  • Disseminate the results of scientific research in national and international scientific conferences and seminars;
  • Independently, responsibly and critically carry out scientific research important in the study of history, promote the introduction of innovations in research practice;
  • Independently manage the work of scientific teams in the field of history and archaeology.

Doctoral students have possibilities

  • to study under the guidance of professional and experienced university lecturers;
  • to publish their articles and research results in annual DU collections of research articles and periodical publications;
  • to participate in annual scientific conferences in Daugavpils University and other higher educational establishments, as well as in international conferences;
  • to participate in international student exchange programmes and study at higher educational establishments abroad;
  • to participate in the implementation of projects related to the theme of research.

Programme Director

Professor, Dr.hist. Irēna Saleniece