For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 
Programme Duration3 academic years – full-time studies
Programme Workload180 ECTS
Forms of the Programme ImplementationFull-time studies
Obtainable DegreeDoctor of Science (Ph.D.)
PhD in Economics and Business
Admission Requirements– Master’s degree in economics, finance, business or management or equivalent higher education. Admission Commission can consider the applications of master’s degree holders in other thematic areas, if the person has at least 2 years of work experience in economics, finance, business or management, presenting certificate from the workplace.
– Document confirming English language knowledge at B2 level.
Entrance examination– Report on the research topic and discussions about it.
– Test in a foreign language (English, German or French).
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

The aim of the doctoral study programme is

to improve the research and academic competence of Doctoral students for independent and innovative research and practical activities in economics for the improvement of economic theories, as well as to train highly qualified specialists for independent academic, research and practical work in the sub-branches of economics “Regional economics” and “Finance and credit”.

The major tasks of the doctoral study programme (further DSP) are

  • to give students of the programme knowledge corresponding to the contemporary level of economics in the sub-branches of regional economics and finance and credit
  • to acquire contemporary research methods in economics;
  • to create optimal conditions for doctoral students’ research – opportunities to work in the library, to use modern information and communication technologies, regularly participate in scientific conferences in Latvia and abroad, have in-service training in other universities and research centres,  publish their papers in internationally reviewed scientific editions;
  • to have practical training in conducting scientific research and teaching  in a higher education establishment;
  • to provide conditions for developing and defending the doctoral thesis;
  • to promote the introduction of the latest findings and theories in economics in state and local government institutions, organizations and commercial companies.

As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the graduate will acquire and be able to demonstrate


  • understanding of the historical experience of economic science development, current trends in Latgale, Latvia, Europe and worldwide;
  • understanding of current economic theories, scientific approaches and findings, as well as the context of their formation;
  • understanding of theoretical and empirical research methods and methodologies in the field of economics and in contact with other fields of science, using an interdisciplinary approach in research;
  • understanding the role of an economic researcher in the development of society, in solving socio-economic problems in the scope of national and regional policy.


  • ability to analyse, interpret the concepts of economic science, theories and topical issues of economic policy;
  • ability to independently evaluate and reasonably select methods appropriate to scientific research in the field of economics (in the sub-branch of regional economics or finance and credit);
  • ability to independently use theories of economic and related sciences, research methods in order to perform research activities in the field of economics in an international comparative context;
  • ability to address topical issues in economics and interdisciplinary research and practice in order to broaden and provide new insights into existing knowledge and to offer research-based solutions for the improvement of professional practice;
  • ability to communicate and discuss the field of economic sciences, the results of research conducted therein in Latvia and in the international environment;
  • ability to take science-based decisions in solving economic problems and defend one’s opinion with arguments;
  • ability to promote and introduce research-based change in one’s own institution, the economic sector as a whole, the sub-branch of regional economics and finance and credit.


  • carrying out the topical and independent critical analysis and evaluation of current, complex research problems in the field of economic science, contributing to the expansion and deepening of knowledge in the field of economic science;
  • ability to independently, justifiably put forward innovative research ideas, critically evaluate and synthesize them in economics and in an interdisciplinary context;
  • ability to independently and responsibly plan, structure and manage scientific projects;
  • publishing the results of own’s research in internationally recognized cited editions in Latvia and abroad;
  • ability to solve important research tasks and tasks promoting innovation in one’s sub-branch of economics, observing the ethical responsibility for the possible impact of economics on the development of society;
  • ability to responsibly promote technological, social and cultural knowledge development in society in the context of the development of scientific and academic activities.

Doctoral students have possibilities

  • to publish their articles in the journal “Regional Report”, „Social Sciences Bulletin” and the annual collections of research articles;
  • to participate in annual Doctoral students’ scientific conferences:
    • to have in-service training in the universities and research institutes in Lithuania, Poland, Germany and other countries.

Programme Director

Dr.oec., Olga Lavriņenko