Aim of ABSP “History” isto provide students with theoretical knowledge and research skills and abilities in the field of history and cultural history that open prospects for further professional and academic education.
Tasks of ABSP “History” define development and improvement of students’ knowledge, skills and competence:
to understand the processes of history and cultural history and problems of comprehension of past, to substantiate their understanding of the essence and importance of historical facts and historical process;
to be aware of variety and interaction of theoretical approaches;
to critically evaluate different viewpoints on the problems of history and cultural history;
develop students’ skills of source studies by employing various methods and modern technologies;
to organize and implement research work in history.
During acquisition of the study programme, students achieve the anticipated outcomes in the field of history in form of knowledge, skills and competence
categories and concepts of history science, historiography and auxiliary sciences, basic statements of historical research);
the essence of historical sources, their classification;
external and internal criticism of sources;
Periodization of world history; Ancient Times, the Middle Ages, Modern Times and the Contemporary Period, their justification. Main peculiarities of historical periods and most important events;
periodization of history of Latvia, main features of the periods and important events;
regionalism and peculiarities of history of a region;
systemic capacity and changeability of human notions on the level of theoretical thought and mentality;
formulate and describe basic peculiarities of historical periods and regions; define the distinctive features of historical stages of mankind development;
deal with categories and concepts of history;
apply theoretical knowledge by independently evaluating researches of historians in terms of both scientific level and political orientation;
apply theoretical knowledge by doing independent external and internal criticism of historical source;
analyse, systemize and interpret the information obtained from scientific literature;
extract information from different kinds of sources;
independently update, evaluate, classify, interpret and use information provided by historical records;
compare and summarize information from various records;
apply theoretical knowledge to giving of independent internal and external criticism of a historical record;
carry out research:
employ appropriate research methods;
independently search for and select historical records and scientific literature necessary for their own research;
synthesize the obtained information in independent exposition;
structure the research and draw it up in line with the requirements;
evaluate research results.
independently plan and organize study activities;
use library catalogue, study records or literature of a definite historical period or topic independently; prepare bibliographical description;
orient themselves in the complex of historical records;
study and select the necessary information out of scientific literature and electronic means and sources of information;
use information technologies for elaboration of works of different kind;
independently give critical analysis of problems of history;
formulate and defend their own viewpoint in papers, reports and discussions;
present the findings of their own research;
improve their knowledge and skills relevant to the field of activity;act in accordance with the principles of ethics and with attention, understanding and tolerance;
be responsible for accuracy and academic correctness of their own work;
demonstrate good emotional self-adjusting, fellowship and communicative skills.