For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
Study fieldEnvironmental Protection
Type of the study programmeBachelor Study Programme
Degree to be acquiredBachelor’s degree in Environmental Science
Study programme directorAssoc. professors, Dr. Geol., Juris Soms
E-mail of the study programme 
Study type and formFull-time studies
Duration in full years3
LanguageLatvian (for studies in Latvian);
English (for studies in English)
Place of implementationDaugavpils University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Healthcare
Amount (CP)180 ECTS CP
Admission requirements (for studies in Latvian)Secondary education
Admission requirements (for studies in English)Secondary education; knowledge of the English language at least at B2 level (Internationally recognized English proficiency test or document confirming that previous studies medium of instructions was in English Language)
Final examination upon the completion of the study programmeBachelor thesis
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

Goal of the study programme: Preparing qualified, internationally competitive environmental specialists who are able to independently plan and conduct research and are competent to work in environmental protection institutions and research in environmental science, its sub-branches and related sciences, to continue studies in master’s and doctoral studies, as well as meeting the prospective labour market demand in the field of environmental protection in Latvia and abroad.

During your studies, you will learn:

Environmental science, fundamentals of Earth systems, Geology, Ecology, Environmental Chemistry and Climatology, concepts of Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection, Digital Cartography, Environmental Remote Sensing methods and drone piloting, Hydrology, Geographic Information Systems and application of GPS, Environmental Policy and Management, Environmental Monitoring, etc.

Successful completion of the program provides the opportunity to:

become professional, competitive nature protection and environmental management specialist and work in the nature conservation agencies, environmental protection and monitoring services, GIS institutions and companies, municipal planning departments and regional development departments, environmental consulting offices, private companies etc., as well as to enter the EU and Latvian labour market in the fields of green economy, geomatics and climate technologies; to continue education at Daugavpils University and other Latvian and foreign universities.

Admission requirements: Admission Regulations for International Students Applying to Full-Time Studies in 2025