For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
Programme Duration:3 academic years
Programme Workload:186 ECTS CP
Admission Requirements 
– Master’s degree in mathematics or computer science;
– Test in mathematics; – report on the research topic and discussions about it;
– Test in a foreign language (in English).
For studies in English: At least B2 level knowledge of the English language.
Obtainable Degree:Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in Natural Sciences
Place of the Programme Implementation:Daugavpils University, 1 Parādes Street
 Forms of the Programme Implementation:full-time studies
Programme Director:Professor, Dr.habil.math. Felikss Sadirbajevs
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

Goal of the study programme

Preparation of a highly qualified specialist – a mathematical scientist who is able to solve practical and theoretical tasks with the methods of theoretical mathematics and mathematical modelling.

Tasks of the study programme are:

1) to acquire the necessary amount of theoretical knowledge in the field of theoretical mathematics and mathematical modelling;

 2) to determine the topic of scientific research, learn the results, provided in the scientific literature on this topic;

3) to obtain new essential results on the selected topic;

4) presenting reports in conferences of regional and international level;

5) to publish the obtained results in publications of various levels, also in scientific journals and collections indexable in international databases;

6) preparation of graduation work for defence.

As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the graduate will acquire and be able to demonstrate:


  • Understand the topical scientific theories and modern mathematical research methods in the subfield of differential equations.
  • Are familiar with the organization of regional and international scientific research and the ways of improving one’s qualifications.


  • Able to independently evaluate and choose suitable scientific research methods, contribute to expanding the frontier of knowledge or provide a new understanding of existing knowledge and its application in practice, including by publishing scientific publications (knows how to choose publication forms and methods for timely and effective implementation of the results of scientific work).
  • Able to communicate both orally and in writing about own scientific field to the wider community of scientists and society in general.
  • Able to independently improve own scientific qualification, implement scientific projects, obtaining international science-qualifying achievements.


  • Carrying out independent, critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation, are able to solve important research or innovation tasks using mathematical modelling methods.
  • Are competent to propose the research idea, plan and structure independently, as well as defend idea in discussions without losing the ability to critically perceive other opinions.
  • Are able to manage scientific projects, including in an international context, aware of their responsibility and moral obligations to involved organizations and individual researchers.

Doctoral students have possibilities:

  • to publish the results of their research in local periodical publications, scientific journals of Baltic region, internationally reviewed journals that are included in acknowledged data bases (Web of Science, Scopus and the like);
  • to participate in annual international scientific conferences at Daugavpils University (DU) and University of Latvia (UL), Mathematical Modeling and Analysis  international conferences (in Baltic region), as well as in serial conferences of European and the world scale (Equadiff, AIMS (American Institute of Mathematical Studies), etc.);
  • to become members of Latvian Mathematical Society and members of other professional associations;
  • to participate in the implementation of European and international research projects and programmes;
  • receive a scholarship when studying with budget funds.