For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Natural Sciences and Healthcare
Programme Duration4 years – full-time studies
Programme Workload240 ECTS
Admission Requirementsdocument certifying secondary education
Obtainable QualificationPhysiotherapist
Obtainable DegreeProfessional Bachelor’s Degree in Health Care
Place of the Programme ImplementationDaugavpils University, 1 Parādes Street
 Forms of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme DirectorMg. biol.,Lecturer Irēna Kuņicka
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

The Aim of the Programme is to provide professional studies in physiotherapy (physical therapy) that are adequate to the economic and social needs of the country, root in theoretical fundamentals of the scientific discipline, correspond to the professional standards and are applicable to practice.

The main tasks of the Programme are:

  • to educate specialists of the 5th level professional qualification in physiotherapy with Bachelor’s degree in Health Care;
  • to promote their competitiveness in the changing socio-economic conditions and international labour market;
  • to ensure acquisition of more profound knowledge in physiotherapy for developing of the new and perfecting of the already acquired work skills, and training of students for creative research and pedagogical work in this discipline.

As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the graduate will acquire and be able to demonstrate:


The Programme envisages deepened acquisition of professional theoretical and practical knowledge of the physiotherapist qualification keeping up with the latest scientific achievements (Physiotherapy, Health Care and the respective sub-specialties), and the related disciplines, for example, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biomechanics, Work Organization, Medical Psychology, Research.

As the result of a successful Programme implementation and completing of study courses, students are able to:

  • demonstrate understanding of the factors influencing public health and the health of an individual,
  • demonstrate understanding of the main concepts and regularities of the professional health care and physiotherapy,
  • demonstrate basic and specialized knowledge of the physiotherapist profession and critical understanding of this knowledge with part of it reaching the level of the highest achievements in the respective scientific discipline or profession,
  • choose appropriate methods for evaluating patient’s health and functional condition, independently choose and apply treatment, consult and introduce preventive measures within one’s competence.


Shared Skills of the Branch:

  • is able to critically evaluate the validity and credibility of different theories, methods and techniques of physiotherapy;
  • uses evidence-based and scientifically grounded theories of physiotherapy in one’s professional activity;
  • keeps to professional ethics and confidentiality;
  • identify the problems and needs of patients and social groups;
  • is able to set aim and appropriate tasks of the therapy, draw up therapy  plan;
  • chooses and applies appropriate physiotherapeutic methods and techniques;
  • works as a member of an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team;
  • cooperates with patient’s family;
  • can evaluate the process and results of a therapy;
  • engages in preventive and educational work;
  • arranges one’s own work environment and the work properly from the point of view of ergonomics;
  • observes requirements for labour safety and hygiene;
  • summarizes, analyzes, interprets physiotherapy-related information;
  • develops research projects in physiotherapy and implements them;
  • writes scientific and methodical articles;
  • employs research findings to facilitate the development of rehabilitation and public health.

Specific Skills in the Profession:

  • has good knowledge of evaluation possibilities and methods in physiotherapy;
  • is able to evaluate functional disorders and abilities of a patient;
  • can evaluate the extent of patient’s impairment, incapacity, involvement and disability;
  • has competence in technologies of physiotherapy, knows how to employ them;
  • facilitates patient’s joining active social life;
  • selects methods to assess patient’s condition;
  • evaluates patient’s condition;
  • provides patient with clear explanation of physiotherapeutic information;
  • chooses appropriate physiotherapeutic treatment methods for a patient;
  • provides patient with proper physiotherapy;
  • assesses the result of the therapy;
  • develops and coordinates physiotherapy treatment plan for a patient in cooperation with other specialists of rehabilitation team;
  • is active to collaborate with other members of rehabilitation team during the process of treatment;
  • educates patient and his/her family members;
  • provides consultations to patient’s family members, other specialists on the issues of physiotherapy.

General Skills/Abilities:

  • has communicative skills;
  • works in a team and individually, advances the teamwork and its continuous functioning;
  • does one’s own work independently and is able to make the necessary decisions;
  • anticipates and evaluates the potential impact of the decisions;
  • provides arguments for one’s own viewpoint;
  • develops and keeps professional contacts with other specialists;
  • obtains, analyzes, selects information;
  • draws up, systemizes and keeps information documents;
  • improves one’s professional knowledge and skills by continuing education;
  • observes the existing legislation in one’s own work;
  • elaborates recommendations for perfection of legislative documents, projects and agreements;
  • knows how to put the knowledge in economics and business into practice;
  • takes part in activities of professional associations and NGOs;
  • informs society about the importance of healthy living and rehabilitation in restoring of health, prophylaxis;
  • has the ability of creative thinking;
  • uses computer for processing, storing and presenting information;
  • puts theoretical knowledge, professional competence and skills into practice, and improves them constantly.


  • Successful gaining of professional competence and doing of research under the PBSP „Physiotherapy” requirements in health care is possible only in close cooperation with the Programme staff and the fellow students.
  • Students obtain, select and analyze information of health care, rehabilitation and physiotherapy and put it into practice, as well as take decisions and solve problems in the discipline of health care or the profession of physiotherapy.
  • Study process strengthens general human attitudes (empathy, tolerance, sympathy) and health care-related attitudes, thus developing awareness and understanding of health and life as values and maintaining of health as a vital precondition for human well-being. Students have good knowledge of professional ethics of a medical specialist and observe the principles of ethics defined by the Declaration of Helsinki, as well as normative documents of the Republic of Latvia and respect patient’s rights in their professional activity.
  • Students learn to show initiative, make decisions and take responsibility of their effect and result, to evaluate critically and introduce changes in their professional activity, if necessary.
  • Students are capable of assessing the impact of their professional activity on society. They take part in the development of the respective professional sphere by doing research, analyzing and applying the findings, and persistently improving their knowledge, skills and professional competence.