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For studentsContacts


FacultyFaculty of Natural Sciences and Healthcare
Programme Duration4 years – full-time studies
Programme Workload240 ECTS
Admission Requirementsdocument certifying secondary education
Obtainable QualificationNurse
Obtainable DegreeProfessional Bachelor’s Degree in Health Care
Place of the Programme ImplementationDaugavpils University, 1 Parādes Street
Forms of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme DirectorMg. sc. sal. Natālija Degtjarjova
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

During your studies you will study the following study modules:

  • pedagogy, psychology, ethics and patient education;
  • work organization and management
  • valoda, civilā, vides, ugunsdrošība un darba aizsardzība;
  • study courses in the field of natural sciences;
  • theoretical studies in nursing;
  • research methods and data processing in evidence-based healthcare;
  • patient care in general medicine.