For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Programme Duration4 years – full-time studies
Programme Workload240 ECTS
Admission Requirementsdocument certifying secondary education
Obtainable QualificationArt Project Leader
Obtainable DegreeProfessional Bachelor’s Degree in Art
Place of the Programme ImplementationDaugavpils University, 1/3 Saules Street
Forms of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme DirectorAssociated professor, Dr. paed., Edgars Znutiņš
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

The strategic aim of the study programme “Art Management”is to provide the achievement of aims and tasks set in the study programme description, to organize and implement the study programme at such a level that on completing the programme the student would obtain the professional bachelor’s degree in Art and the higher professional qualification “Art Project Leader” of a specialist that meets the needs of cultural society.

The aim of the study programme is: to train competent and competitive art project leaders who will be able to organize and lead projects of various level in cultural-social sphere.

The principal tasks of the study programme are:

  • To ensure professional studies, which are coordinated in the theoretical basics of the branch sciences, are conforming with the profession standard, and are applicable in practice;
  • To educate the 5ht level professional qualification specialists in art field by providing the students with the opportunity to acquire art project leader qualification and by promoting their competitiveness in the changing socio–economic situation;
  • To provide students with the opportunity to develop new or improve the existing work skills and to train them for creative, research and management work in the branch.
  • To activate students’ participation in promoting cultural life, studying and futher development of traditions;
  • To stimulate students’ scientific research integrating theoretical positions with findings from their practice.

Learning outcomes:


  • able to demonstrate basic and specialized knowledge in branch of art and profession of arts manager, has critical understanding of this knowledge, moreover, the knowledge complies with the highest level of achievement in science of art and profession of arts manager.
  • to define Latvia’s state cultural policy and basic principles of regional cultural policy,to  characterize the link of Latvia’s cultural policy with the strategy of the EU cultural policy.
  • to  declare the principles of project development and management, demonstrante knowledge about objects, subjects and instruments of project management, about management and evaluation methods, organizational forms etc.
  • to understand the selection conditions of the project leader and aspects of organizing a team, as well as their role and functions for the development and implementation of the project;
  • to know  laws mandatory for the development and implementation of the project, to observe LR, international and branch normative acts;
  • to evaluate economic situation and take decisions adequate to changes in the situation;
  • to characterize principles of contemporary artistic collective work.


Students are able:

  • by using the mastered theoretical foundations and skills of art, perform professional, artistic, innovative and research activity, to define and describe analytically information, problems and solutions in the science of art, to explain them and to provide arguments when discussing these with both specialist and non-specialist.
  • to structure independently his/her own learning, to guide his/her own and the subordinates’ further learning and professional qualification, to demonstrate scientific approach to problem solving, to assume responsibility and take initiative when performing individual work, working in team or managing work of other people, to take decisions and find creative solutions under changing or unclear conditions;
  • to initiate, prepare and implement a project in the field of art;
  • to present and realize artistic ideas;
  • to organize cultural and concert activitie;
  • to create the general image of art and cultural institutions in the society.
  • to solve problems related to staff management;
  • to use computer programmes and other information technologies;
  • to be fluent in at least one foreign language, to be competent in the use of profession-related terminology;
  • to be able to independently perfect one’s knowledge, acquire new informationand skills;
  • to organize, plan and control one’s own and other employees work;
  • to carry out work individually and together with the representatives of other professions;
  • to able to define the priorities of working tasks;
  • to take decisions and display initiative;
  • to observe terms of professional ethics and generally accepted norms of morality;
  • to develop and improve  skills of communication with people of various profession and age;


Students can independently:

  • obtain, select and analyse information independently and to use it, to take decisions and solve problems in profession of arts manager.
  • evaluate the influence of cultural life on the sourrounding environment and society,  cultural activities at state, regional and local government level;
  • facilitate the maintenance and development  of cultural values in esthetic, ethnic and cultural-historical context;
  • compare and analyse examples of concrete projects from various aspects;.
  • be able to identify, analyse, evaluate and substantiate SWOT and risks of the projects;
  • evaluate and assess the quality of cultural activities.