For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Programme Duration3 academic years
Programme Workload216 ECTS
Obtained DegreePh.D. in Educational Sciences
Forms of the Programme ImplementationFull-time studies
Admission RequirementsMaster’s degree in education, pedagogy, psychology or master’s degree in humanities, social sciences, medicine, sports and natural sciences or equivalent higher education and at least two years of pedagogical work experience in an educational institution.
– English language knowledge at B2 level.
Entrance ExaminationInterview – during the interview the candidate has to present a five to ten-minute report on the intended research topic.
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

The aim of the joint doctoral study programme is

to improve the doctoral student’s research and academic competence in educational sciences for independent and innovative research, improvement and development of educational sciences, improvement of pedagogical practice at various levels of education (from pre-school to adult education) in Latvia and internationally, independently developing and publicly defending doctoral research results of original scientific research thus providing new knowledge for an educational science. To prepare the highest-level specialists in pedagogical science and researcher’s career in accordance with the requirements of the European Union.

Learning outcomes

The results of the study programme are formulated in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework3 (EQF) and the Latvian Qualifications Framework4 (LQF) level 8 and the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework third cycle qualification level.


  • understands the historical experience and current trends in the development of educational sciences and their context in Latvia, Europe and the world;
  • understands the current scientific theories and knowledge of educational sciences and the context of their formation;
  • understands theoretical and empirical research methods and methodologies in the field of educational sciences and in contact with other fields of sciences, interdisciplinary approach in research;
  • understands the role of a researcher in the field of educational sciences in the development of society, in solving educational problems in the context of comparative education policy


  • systematically analyzes and interprets binding concepts, theories and topicalities of educational policy in educational sciences;
  • independently evaluates and reasonably chooses methods appropriate for scientific research in educational sciences;
  • independently uses theories of educational contact sciences, research methods to carry out research activities in the field of education in an international comparative context;
  • independently formulates and critically analyzes research problems at different levels of education;
  • identifies potential connections between the theoretical aspects of educational sciences and their implications in educational policy, pedagogical practice in the local and international context;
  • solves topical problems in educational science research and practice in order to expand and give a new understanding to the existing knowledge and offer research-based solutions for the improvement of professional practice;
  • communicates and discusses orally and in writing about the field of educational sciences, the results of research conducted in a wider scientific community and society in general in Latvia and in the international environment;
  • makes scientifically based decisions in solving educational problems and defends his / her opinion by presenting sound arguments;
  • leads and / or coordinates multidisciplinary study teams and / or works and collaborates in an international context;
  • offers innovative solutions and a perspective view of the future development of various aspects of education;
  • Encourages and implements research-based change in its educational institution, educational sector and, as far as possible, in society as a whole.


  • performs independent, critical analysis and evaluation of current, complex research problems in the field of educational sciences, contributing to the expansion and deepening of knowledge in the field of educational sciences;
  • independently, justifiably puts forward innovative research ideas, critically evaluates and synthesizes them in educational sciences and in an interdisciplinary context;
  • independently and responsibly plans, structures and manages scientific projects, including international ones;
  • independently, responsibly and critically carries out important scientific research in educational science, promotes the introducing innovations in pedagogical practice;
  • publishes the results of research in internationally recognized publications, including internationally cited publications in Latvia and abroad;
  • solves important research and innovation-promoting tasks in the educational sciences, observing the ethical responsibility for the possible impact of educational sciences on the mutual relations between education and society, on stimulating and managing change in education and society;
  • in the context of the development of scientific and academic activities, responsibly promotes technological, social and cultural development in the knowledge society;
  • conducts scientific work and communicates with colleagues, the scientific community and the general public within the frames of one’ s field of expertise.

Programme Director

Dr.paed., docent Sandra Zariņa