For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Natural Siences and Healthcare
Obtainable DegreeMaster’s Degree of Natural Sciences in Physics
Forms of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme Duration2 academic years
Study Course DescriptionsStudy course descriptions

Programme Duration2 academic years
Programme Workload120 ECTS
Admission Requirements First-cycle higher education (bachelor’s degree or second-level professional higher education or equivalent higher education) in physics or mathematics;
First-cycle higher education (bachelor’s degree or second-level professional higher education, or equivalent higher education) in natural sciences or engineering sciences and technologies and successfully completed study courses in the field of physics (not less than 5 credit points) and study courses in the field of mathematics (not less than 4 credit points);
For foreign applicants, knowledge of the English language at least at B2 level.
Obtainable DegreeMaster of Natural Sciences in Physics
Place of the Programme ImplementationDaugavpils University, 1 Parādes Street
Forms of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme DirectorMg.phys. Valdis Mizers
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

Goal of the study programme

To prepare highly qualified and internationally competitive Master’s level physics specialists for the labour market by providing the opportunity to specialise during studies in physics sub-disciplines specific to Latvia with high research and innovation potential and by stimulating the acquisition of interdisciplinary competences.

The aim of study programme

The aim of the master’s study programme is to provide DU students with qualitative theoretical findings and research skill and competence acquisition in theoretical physics, solid state physics, optics, experimental physics, and other relevant sub-programme courses, providing opportunities to continue doctoral studies, competitiveness on Latvian and foreign labour markets.

The main objective of study programme

The main objective of the master’s study programme is to promote students’ theoretical knowledge, inquiry and individual use of research skills of certain problems.

Tasks of the study programme

  • To promote the development of students as professionals in the field by providing the opportunity to complement the knowledge and skills acquired in the BSc programme in their chosen specialisation in physics.
  • To give students the opportunity to gain experience in independent research under the guidance of a supervisor.
  • To enhance students’ scientific research skills and competence in analysing research problems.
  • To develop students’ critical and creative thinking, reasoning and decision-making skills, and the ability to apply acquired knowledge and competences in physics and interdisciplinary research.
  • To ensure flexibility of the restricted elective part of the study programme in line with labour market requirements.
  • To ensure effective and monitorable delivery of the planned programme outcomes.
  • Create prerequisites for graduates’ successful doctoral studies.

Results of the study programme

Achievable results of the study program (contains the descriptors of the European Master of Physics specifications, which are explained later in this chapter):


  1. Demonstrates advanced or extended knowledge in selected areas of physics, as appropriate to the chosen specialisation within the MSPP (e.g. atomic, molecular and optical physics, physics of solids and materials, physics of continuous media, physics of technology, theoretical physics, etc).
  2. Demonstrate interdisciplinary knowledge that complements knowledge in physics sub-disciplines such as biophotonics, medical physics, physics of nanostructures, chemical physics, atmospheric and/or environmental physics and other interdisciplinary fields.


  1. Uses mathematical description for explaining and analysing physical processes, formulating physical problems, choosing adequate approximation and solution methodologies;
  2. Plans and carries out experiments or calculations in one of the fields of physics, obtains data independently, evaluates errors in measurements and calculations; 3. Analyses results by comparing them with theoretical models, numerical simulations and available experimental data.


  1. At a qualitative level, be aware of current developments in physics and demonstrate an understanding of the highest standards of physical science in their field of specialisation; summarise research results in the form of a scientific publication (e.g. a Master’s thesis) based on knowledge of the current state of at least one sub-field of physics and be able to integrate knowledge from different fields as appropriate;
  2. Sees essential details on the subject, manipulate precise and complex ideas, use logical arguments and correct terms in communication on the subject of physics with professionals and non-specialists;
  3. By conducting independent research with a high degree of autonomy within the framework of the master’s thesis, demonstrates competence in information gathering and analysis, obtaining information from journal articles, databases and communications with colleagues, sorting it according to relevance;
  4. Is aware that falsification and plagiarism of data are contrary to academic integrity, is objective and honest in his/her actions, recognises the limits of his/her knowledge, understands and is aware of the ethical responsibility for the potential impact of the results of his/her actions on the environment and society

Programme Director:

Mg.phys. Valdis Mizers
