For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Programme Duration3 years
Programme Workload180 ECTS
Admission Requirementsdocument certifying secondary education
Obtainable DegreeBachelor’s Degree of Humanities in Cultural Studies of Eastern Europe
Place of the Programme ImplementationDaugavpils University, 13 Vienības Street, 1 Parādes Street
Forms of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme DirectorAssociated professor, Dr.phil., Anna Stankeviča
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

The aim of the study programme is to ensure the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and research skills in the field of culture and business of Eastern Europe.

The tasks of the study programme are:

  •  to impart basic theoretical knowledge in order to develop students’ competence in the field of cultural and business contacts of Eastern Europe;
  • to develop students’ abilities of scientific analysis and skills to independently resolve problems, thus training them for further research activities;
  • to develop skills of collecting and analyzing adequate data in their own field of studies, skills of drawing conclusions, which is essential for conducting scientific research; such skills and abilities are needed at developing and defending bachelor’s thesis;
  • to develop students’ independent cognitive and research skills, thus training them for further studies in master or professional programmes;
  • to develop skills and abilities of intercultural communication;
  • to train academically educated specialists in the field of cultural and business contacts of Eastern Europe who will be able to compete in the academic and professional environment in Latvia and abroad.

As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the graduate will acquire and be able to demonstrate

The students of the programme are able to demonstrate basic and specialized knowledge in cultural science, sociology and economics as well as a critical approach to this knowledge, besides, part of knowledge corresponds to the level of the latest achievements in cultural studies, sociology and economics. Students are able to demonstrate the understanding of the most essential notions and regularities in cultural science, sociology and economics.

On the basis of the acquired theoretical fundamentals, the students of the programme are able to conduct innovative and research activities, to formulate and analytically describe information, problems in cultural science, sociology and economics and how to resolve them, to explain them and discuss them with specialists and non-specialists by providing sound arguments. They are able to independently structure their learning process, promote their own and their employees professional and academic growth, manifest a scientific approach to problem solving, take on the responsibility and  initiative when working individually, in a team or managing other people’s work, take decisions and find creative solutions in changeable and unclear conditions.

The students of the programme are able to select and analyze information as well as properly use it, they can take decisions and resolve problems relating to cultural science, sociology, economics. They are able to show that they understand professional ethics as well as evaluate the effects of their activity upon the environment and society and participate in the development of the field of cultural science, sociology and economics.