For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Natural Sciences and Healthcare
Programme Duration3 years
Programme Workload187,5 ECTS
Admission Requirementsdocument certifying secondary education
Obtainable DegreeNatural Sciences Bachelor’s Degree in Biology
Place of the Programme ImplementationDaugavpils University, 13 Vienības Street, 1 Parādes Street
Forms of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme DirectorDr. biol., assoc. prof. Inese Kokina
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

The aim of the study programme is to provide for DU students qualitative theoretical knowledge and research skill and competence acquisition in biology, theoretical and practical training in line with the state needs for successful involvement in national economy problem solving, competitiveness on Latvian and foreign markets as well as professional and academic further education.

Tasks of the study programme:

  • to provide students with scientific base for their professional activity by developing skills of scientific analysis and competence of independent problem solving as well as to prepare students for further research studies;
  • to provide students with qualitative theoretical and practical knowledge in biology in line with contemporary requirements;
  • to facilitate student’s development into a free, responsible, and creative personality;
  • to design the study process for enhancing student’s intellect, promote their spiritual growth, encourage use of their intellectual abilities;
  • to enhance students’ analytical abilities, develop their skills in setting research and practical problems and solving the related theoretical and practical tasks;
  • to deepen students’ understanding of the role of biology in contemporary science, national economy and public life;
  • to develop skills and competences in modern information acquisition and processing technologies;
  • to promote student’s competitiveness in their further academic and professional studies.

In the course of study programme acquisition students deepen their existing knowledge, skills and attitudes and acquire new ones in the sphere of biology.

Knowledge. The programme envisages deeper theoretical and practical knowledge acquisition in biology and its subbranches. Successful completion of the study programme and acquisition of the study course content will result in students demonstrating their understanding of the general regularities of the functioning and development of biological systems at all levels of life organization as well as topical global and local problems in biology and their possible solutions.

Skills. In the course of programme acquisition students acquire academic and professional competences that are reflected in their skills. Taking part in practical and laboratory works within the study programme as well as producing research under the supervision of the academic staff and summarizing research outcomes in bachelor papers, students, by applying diverse research methods, learn the methodology of research in biology, skills of planning and carrying out laboratory, experimental, instrumental research and observation in nature, skills of critical evaluation of the acquired results, producing statistical analysis and interpretation, skills of presenting and publicly defending the research results, etc. The acquired skills ensure that students meet the requirements of labour market in the particular sphere and can work as employees in research, management or organizational sphere in biology and science related state institutions or private enterprises.

Attitudes. Successful academic and research performance of students as they complete the requirements of the bachelor’s study programme is impossible without cooperation with the academic staff involved in the execution of the study programme and other students as well as without deeper insight into the problems of sustainable and rational use of biological resources. Hence, generally human attitudes are consolidated and simultaneously the attitudes related to the science of biology are particularized, thus forming students’ awareness and understanding of nature protection and preservation.