Bachelor of Arts in History, Philosophy, Theology or Bachelor of Social Sciences degree in Sociology, Politology, Anthropology, Gender Studies or Bachelor’s degree in other disciplines related to history or equivalent 2nd level higher professional education
Obtainable degree
Master of Arts in History with specialization in History or Cultural History and Theory
to train specialists of history and cultural history of academic level with profound theoretical and methodological knowledge, able to do independent scientific research work.
Tasks of the Study Programm:
contribute to master students’ knowledge and understanding of the diversity of methodologies and theoretical approaches, by researching history and cultural history;
develop master students’ skills
to critically evaluate conceptions existing in the modern historical research and culture studies,
to explain and substantiate their understanding of the essence and significance of facts and processes of history and cultural history,
to ground their choice of methodology for their own research within an appropriate methodological framework;
to improve master students’ competence in:
identification and processing of data by applying various methods of historical sources and historiography and modern technologies;
presenting the conception, process and findings of a research by means of modern technologies.
As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the graduate will acquire and be able to demonstrate:
Students are able to demonstrate more profound/extended knowledge and understanding of:
historical thought in the Antiquity, idea of history in the Middle Ages, emerging of the idea of historicism and historical discipline;
variety of conceptions for contemporary philosophy of history;
specific character of the discipline of history, theory of historical source;
research methods, methodologies and their reciprocity;
issues of historical regionalism;
traditions and directions of Latvian historiography;
organization of the discipline of history and institutions in Latvia and abroad;
interaction between history and culture;
interaction of history and culture.
Students can independently
analyse and compare theoretical conceptions of philosophy of history, historiography, source studies;
critically evaluate theoretical findings and results of the conducted researches;
substantiate their understanding of history and the theme and methodology of their own research;
study and select the necessary information from scholarly literature and electronic information resources;
plan, organize and conduct studies, research and other activities;
solve research problems;
carry out a research:
investigate collections of historical sources (archives, museums, press etc.) and select sources to reveal the research theme,
create source complexes,
apply appropriate research methods for obtaining of information from the sources,
compare, interpret and gather information from different sources,
make historical reconstructions,
assess research findings and determine further perspective of the research;
render the results of their own research in scientific papers, publications and presentations;
participate in scientific communication by providing arguments and explanations of facts, and discussing the aspects of history.
Students are able to
independently formulate and critically analyse complex problems of history;
integrate knowledge of different fields, apply research methodology in practice for creation of new knowledge in the field of history;
improve their own knowledge and skills relevant to the field of activity; study Latvian and foreign periodicals, the novelties of research literature, acquiring topical tendencies in the field of history;
act in accordance with the principles of ethics and with attention, understanding and tolerance towards ideas and results of work done by other people; are responsible for accuracy and correctness of their own work.