For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Natural Sciences and Healthcare
Programme Duration2 years full-time studies
Programme Workload120 ECTS
Obtainable QualificationSenior Specialist in Labour Protection
Obtainable DegreeProfessional Master’s Degree in Labour Protection
Place of the Programme ImplementationDaugavpils University, 1 Parādes Street
Form of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme DirectorProfessor, Dr.phys. Valfrīds Paškevičs
Study course descriptionsStudiju kursu apraksti

Admission Requirements

  • First cycle higher education in the field of labour protection, environmental protection, engineering sciences, physics or chemistry;
  • First cycle higher education and at least 2-year work experience in labour protection

The aim of the study programme is

To provide students matriculated at Daugavpils University with qualitive education that meets the needs of the state and is aligned with the requirements of professional standards, providing the opportunity to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge, to supplement the skills and abilities of research work, thus preparing students to become specialists in labour protection.

To achieve the principal aim, a number of objectives are fulfilled within the framework of the study programme, most significant of which are:

  • To provide the specialization for students in the following directions of labour protection: labour protection or safety technology, which is concluded by obtaining professional higher education master’s degree in „Labour Protection”;
  • To provide students with the opportunity to qualitatively and successfully acquire the study programmes and to implement the specialization of the study programme by integrating various branches of physics: mechanics, electricity and magnetism, optics, thermodynamics, nuclear physics etc., branches relating to law sciences and labour protection, and emphasizing the interconnection between theory and practice;
  • To develop the understanding about the basic principles for shaping the EU and Latvian regional policy and labour protection, by acquiring the basic principles, methods, legislation, taking into consideration the European and world experience and laying emphasis on the connection of the field with the general situation in Latvia and differences in regions;
  • To broaden students’ knowledge about the interrelations between the basic components of labour protection ( engineering, safety technology etc.) by cooperating with public, private and state sectors;
  • To educate the fifth level professional qualification specialists in labour safety and protection, thus promoting their competitiveness under the changeable social-economic conditions;
  • During students’ practical work and practical placements, to develop and reinforce their professional skills and abilities, and also their skill to independently organize the research, obtain and process the data and to prepare the reports about the conducted research;
  • To promote the cooperation between lecturers and students by involving students in the research and projects financed by the EU and RL;
  • To strengthen the links between Daugavpils University and Latgale region local governments and enterprises;
  • To provide the students matriculated in the programme  with the opportunity to acquire practical skills of using up-to-date equipment and measuring apparatus that conform to EU requirements and ISO standards, as well as with the latest products of information technologies (hardware and software), which are used in the field of labour protection;
  • To constantly renew, supplement and improve the scientific, informative and material-technical resources of the study programme;
  • To realize the above mentioned objectives by involving in the implementation of the programme qualified DU academic staff and other practitioners working in the branch of labour protection and safety technologies from Latvia and abroad.

As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the graduate will acquire and be able to demonstrate:


  • to understand labour protection and related regulatory acts (LR and EU laws, documents and regulatory acts);
  • able to assess the risk factors of the work environment and the safety of production technologies.


  • able to organize work related to internal monitoring of the work environment, risk assessment and measures to prevent or reduce them;
  • able to plan labour protection and related environmental protection work in the organization;
  • able to control the working environment of the organization, ensuring the basic requirements of occupational health and safety of workers, solving the ergonomic, psychosocial and organizational problems of the working environment, acting in emergency situations;
  • able to independently continue the improvement of their competences and specialization.


  • able to use their knowledge and skills in accordance with the professional field of activity, observing cultural norms and professional ethics;
  • in his or her professional activity relies on a professional and sustainable development approach in labour protection issues;
  • strives to improve his knowledge and skills according to the field of activity, as well as follows the latest Latvian and foreign periodicals, educational and scientific literature, as well as current trends in labour protection and safety.