Daugavpils University, Šiauliai University, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and The Center for Social Research of Lithuania have jointly created the Council of Professors of Sociology and Psychology.
Dr.sc.soc. | Vladimirs MEŅŠIKOVS | Chairman of the council, professor at Daugavpils University |
Dr.habil.paed., Dr.habil.psych. | Aleksejs VOROBJOVS | Deputy chairman of the council, professor at Daugavpils University |
Dr. psych. | Anita PIPERE | Professor at Daugavpils University |
Dr.habil.psych. | Danguole BERESNEVIČIENE | Professor at Šiauliai University |
Dr.sc.soc. | Slavomirs PATRICKIS /Sławomir Patrycki/ | Professor of the Department of Social Microstructures and Theory of Modern Sociology at the Catholic University of Lublin |
Dr.sc.soc. | Arvids Virgilijus MATULIONIS /Arvydas Virgilijus Matulionis/ | Professor of the Lithuanian Center for Social Research |
Dr.psych. | Aleksejs RUŽA | Secretary of the council, docent of the Social Psychology Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Daugavpils University |