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The 3rd Bryology Summer school: “From bryophyte identification to practical use 2024” has started

Summer school participants in a way from Vjazgine transient mire to Ilgas. Photo: A. Karnilova.

The 3rd Bryology Summer school: “From bryophyte identification to practical use 2024” has started. The Bryology summer school is taking place in Daugavpils University (DU) Study and Research Center “Ilgas” from August 9th till August 18th and is financially supported by State Education Development Agency, Republic of Latvia.
The aim of the summer school is to increase the knowledge of young bryologists in International environment with the help of experienced bryologists in bryophyte identification, ecology and practical use taking into account Latvian cultural and historical aspects.
This year 10 International students from France, USA, Croatia, Finland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Germany are taking part in Bryology summer school. Students are trained by experienced bryologists: Anna Mežaka, Steffen Caspari, Ligita Liepiņa, Baiba Bambe and Uvis Suško.
The summer school started with bryophyte investigation in boreal forests of Ilgas surrounding area. Afterwards bryophyte exploration and ecology in Vjazgine lake and Rudzīšu lake transient mire, Pilskalnes Siguldiņa and Naujiena ravine took place. Students were introduced also with organic farming “Kurmīši” production.
Collected bryophyte samples were identified in the lab with a microscope, identification keys in assistance from experienced bryologists. Students present their study topics each evening during the seminar in Ilgas.
Students will be introduced to Daugavpils History Museum and Clay Center and they will prepare their projects and present them in the next summer school days.

Students are identifying bryophytes with microscopes in Ilgas. Photo: A. Mežaka.
Dr. Steffen Caspari is teaching bryophytes in Vjazgine lake transient mire. Photo: A. Karnilova.

Summer school is financially supported by State Education Development Agency Republic of Latvia.

More about summer school:

Summer school coordinator: Dr. Anna Mežaka (email:

Vasaras skolas koordinatore: Dr. Anna Mežaka (epasts: