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Daugavpils Science Secondary School visited the “Ilgas” Study and Research Center!


On February 27, 4th and 5th-grade pupils from Daugavpils Science Secondary School, including members of the interest education club ‘’Delving into Nature’’, visited the ‘’Ilgas’’ Study and Research Center. During the tour, the pupils learned about the center’s unique research opportunities and the current challenges in biodiversity conservation.

The tour was led by Mg. biol. Marina Janovska and Mg. biol. Kristina Aksjuta, who provided insights into the history of ‘’Ilgas’’, the unique nature of its surroundings, and the research possibilities available at the center.

At the ‘’Ilgas’’ manor building, the pupils were welcomed by Marina Janovska, who introduced them to the Coleopterological Research Center, its collection, and rare specimens. She also spoke about the opportunities the center offers to students and researchers, such as summer internships and year-round scientific work.

Meanwhile, at the Forest Biodiversity Research Center, the tour was led by Kristina Aksjuta, who introduced the pupils to the laboratory facilities in the Forest House, the Daugavpils University Herbarium, as well as ‘’Ilgas’’ Park and its surroundings. The pupils had the opportunity to observe a moss herbarium and prepared specimens using both a binocular microscope and a standard microscope, allowing them to gain practical knowledge in this field of research.

The aim of the tour was to interest most talented pupils in biological sciences by introducing them to the activities of the ‘’Ilgas’’ Study and Research Center of Daugavpils University. Such activities provide pupils with new knowledge and hands-on experience, encouraging them to develop a deeper understanding of biodiversity and its conservation.

Additional information: Līga Anna Leitāne,

Photo: Līga Anna Leitāne