On February 21, 2025, the first mini-project “Learn from Ancestors to be Open and Self-Confident in the Future!” workshop was held in Daugavpils Secondary School of Opportunities for the development of pupils’ cultural understanding, creative self-expression and critical thinking skills within the framework of the “Horizon Europe” project “The Value of Cultural Literacy in Europe” (CLiViE). The aim of the mini-project is to study how creative collaboration in craft workshops led by professionals can expand pupils’ knowledge of traditional Latvian crafts and cultural values, as well as promote their interactive skills and respect for the “other”. To achieve the goal of the mini-project, in close cooperation with the school management and teaching staff, the 5th grade pupils were selected as the object of research, which corresponds to the age group “10–13 years” and is distinguished by its multinational composition.
The first mini-project workshop, led by music teacher Lilija Kozinda of Daugavpils Secondary School of Opportunities, was dedicated to traditional musical instruments in Latvia. Working in groups, 28 pupils classified various instruments according to their appearance and functions, as well as presented the results of their work to their classmates. The pupils participated in the proposed activity willingly and with great enthusiasm, as a real competitive spirit had arisen. The second part of the workshop was dedicated to the demonstration of the sound devices made by the pupils themselves. Each pupil talked about his/her creation, listed the materials used to make it and the group of instruments, and even tried to play it. The pupils’ ovations were earned by the masterfully made guitar and velna bungas (traditional Latvian percussion instrument). At the end of the lesson, the pupils’ spontaneously formed ensemble of four people performed a Latvian song accompanied by self-made instruments.
The mini-project manager, Dr. philol. Oksana Kovzele, a senior researcher at the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Daugavpils University, participated in the workshop and observed its progress.
CLiViE webside: https://www.clivieproject.eu
The project has received funding from the European Union’s “Horizon Europe” Research and Innovation programme under the grant agreement No. 101132285.
Further information:
Daugavpils University senior researcher, Dr. philol. Oksana Kovzele
CLiViEProject #agentsforchange
Photo: Oksana Kovzele