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Demonstration of Sustainable Forest Management at “Mazjāņi”


On November 7, a special event titled “Demonstration of Sustainable Forest Management on Private Lands” took place at “Mazjāņi” in Viesīte Parish, Jēkabpils Municipality. This event combined theoretical and practical training on forest management and biodiversity conservation.

Participants included staff from the Institute of Life Sciences and Technology, students from Daugavpils University, and other interested individuals. The event’s goal was to provide both theoretical and practical knowledge about sustainable forest management. Experts such as Sandra Ikauniece, Jānis Rozītis, and Artis Misiņš shared their expertise on forest management, ecosystem balance, climate change, and biodiversity conservation during the theoretical sessions.

During the practical segment, “Mazjāņi” landowner Mārtiņš Zvejnieks, along with his family, introduced participants to their private land. Experts showcased various forest management models, visiting biologically valuable areas, including protected habitats, ancient boreal forests, and spruce forests rich in herbaceous plants. Participants gained insights into forest care and selective felling methods for spruce, birch, and pine stands.

The event promoted collaboration and provided knowledge that participants could apply in both professional and personal forest management.

More information about “Mazjāņi” can be found here:

The project “Optimization of Management and Administration of Natura 2000 Protected Areas” (LIFE19 IPE/LV/000010 LIFE-IP LatViaNature) is implemented with financial support from the European Union LIFE program, the State Digital Development Agency, and the VRAA.

The information reflects only the views of the LIFE IP LatViaNature project implementers. The European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency is not responsible for any potential use of the information provided here.

Additional information: Līga Anna Leitāne,

Photo: Inese Ozoliņa