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‘’Kraslava Gymnasium Students Visit the Institute of Life Sciences and Technology at Daugavpils University’’


On December 6th, 12th-grade students from Kraslava Gymnasium, along with their class tutor and chemistry teacher, DU doctoral program student in “Biology” of the 1st year, Mg. chem. and Mg. paed. Evita Romanovska-Dzalbi, visited the Institute of Life Sciences and Technology at Daugavpils University.

Daugavpils University.

The scientific staff of the DZTI introduced the Kraslava youth to DU study opportunities, laboratories, and research topics:

  • Genomics and Biotechnology Laboratory: Department of Technology natural sciences laboratory assistant, BSc. biol. Aleksandra Mošenoka.
  • Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratory: Professor of the Department of Ecology, Dr. biol. Nataļja Škute, and researcher, Mg. biol. Aleksandrs Petjukevičs.
  • Parasitology and Histology Laboratory: Research assistant of the Department of Ecology, Dr. biol. Sanita Kecko.
  • Laser Technology Laboratory, Innovative Microscopy Center (clean rooms), and the Hologram Exhibition: 2nd-year student of the Doctoral program in “Solid-State Physics” at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Healthcare, Mg. phys. Jans Kevišs.

Additional information: Ronalds Krams,

Photo: Ronalds Krams