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Participation of DU IHSS researchers and students in the conference in Kraslava


On 19 September 2024 Kraslava County Museum organised the international scientific conference “Plater family in the history of Latgale”. The initiator and organiser of the conference is the director of Kraslava County Museum, DU alumna, Mg. hist. Baiba Mileika.

In the first part of the conference all participants were invited to visit the Kraslava Manor House.

In the second part IHSS researcher, asoc. prof. Henrihs Soms and doctoral student Ina Kirņičanska presented their papers.

H. Soms observed the information about Plater family in the album “Terra Mariana” (1888). This album contains data about several regions of Latgale, including Kraslava.

I. Kirņičanska presented some facts about the relations between Plater family and Dinaburg starasty Old Believer peasants in the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as some recently discovered data about the Polish uprising in 1863.

The conference participants presented Latvia, Lithuania and Poland and shared their thought about the common historical heritage of the countries.

Additional information:
Maija Grizāne (