For studentsContacts
For studentsContacts
FacultyFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Programme Duration2 academic years
Programme Workload120 ECTS
Admission RequirementsBachelor’s degree in Humanities, or
2nd level higher professional education in the field of Latvian, English or Russian philology
Obtainable DegreeMaster of Humanities degree in literature and linguistics
Place of the Programme ImplementationDaugavpils University, 13 Vienības Street
Form of the Programme Implementationfull-time studies
Programme Director
Study course descriptionsStudy course descriptions

The aim of AMSP “Philology and applied linguistics” is to provide students with the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and research skills, to prepare theoretically educated, independent and creative thinking, competent and academically educated specialists in the chosen field or sub-field of science, who are able to conduct independent scientific research and continue their studies for a Doctoral degree in literary studies or in the field of linguistics.

The tasks of the academic master’s study programme are:

  •  to encourage students to apply their theoretical knowledge, cognitive and research skills individually for solution of particular problems;
  • to extend theoretical knowledge in linguistics and literary science providing a wide research context of philological and interdisciplinary studies;
  • to form competences of critical evaluation of the acquired theoretical knowledge and creatively apply them in students’ academic work;
  • to develop understanding of the unity of theory and practice in scientific and practical activity and facilitate independent research work;
  • to develop students’ skills of independent inquiry and research work preparing them for further studies in doctoral study programmes;
  • to develop problem solving abilities in a new or unfamiliar environment as well as in a wider or multidisciplinary context;
  • to improve research work skills and prepare students for creative research work and original solutions;
  • to develop students’ interest in research work;
  • to secure opportunities of practical application of the acquired knowledge by participating in projects and presenting the research work results in seminars and conferences;
  • to systematically improve the information and materially technical base of the study process;
  • to motivate students to proceed with their research work by studying in doctoral study programmes.

As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the graduate will acquire and be able to demonstrate:


– students are able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the latest discoveries in the history of linguistics and literary studies; the acquired knowledge provides a basis for creative thinking and research, including working at the interface of different fields.


– students are able to independently use theory, methods and problem-solving skills to perform research activities or highly qualified professional functions;

– are able to explain and discuss complex or systemic aspects of the history of linguistics and literary studies;

– are able to independently direct the improvement and advance specialization of their competences, take responsibility for the work results of the team work and their analysis;

– are able to carry out work, research or further study in linguistics and literary history in complex and unpredictable conditions and transform them using new approaches.


– students are able to independently formulate and critically analyse scientific problems, justify decisions and, if necessary, perform additional analysis;

– are able to integrate knowledge of various fields, contribute to the creation of new knowledge, development of methods of research activities;

– are able to integrate knowledge from various fields, contribute to the creation of new knowledge, development of research methods, demonstrate understanding and ethical responsibility for the possible impact of scientific results on the environment and society.

Programme Director

Dr. philol., docent Elvīra Isajeva

Phone: +371 65424238