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A fieldwork methodologies calibration seminar was held in the FLPP project “Bryophyte and lichen successional and spatial patterns in deciduous forests”


In the FLPP project “Bryophyte and lichen successional and spatial patterns in deciduous forests” (Nr. lzp-2020/1-0314) a fieldwork methodologies calibration seminar was held from May 10th to 15th in  Institute of Life Sciences and Technologies, Daugavpils University. During the seminar, project participants gained experience in methodology for collecting bryophytes, lichens and environmental data in habitats of different forest types and ages in the surrounding forests of Daugavpils and Jēkabpils.

During the seminar, the experienced specialists not only exchanged knowledge with each other but also trained students in the identification of bryophytes and lichens, as well as in the assessment of substrate and habitat level parameters. The seminar contributed to the successful collection of further field data, which is taking place this year throughout the territory of Latvia.

The project aims to characterize the successional and spatial patterns of mosses and lichens depending on the age chronosequence of deciduous forests. The project will continue until the end of 2023.

Contact person: Dr. biol. Anna Mežaka, e-mail: